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For the latest stable release version, please have a look at vTEST.



SpinalHDL is, in fact, not an language: it’s a regular Scala library. This could seem strange at first glance, but it is a very powerful combination.

You can use the whole Scala world to help you in the description of your hardware via the SpinalHDL library, but to do that properly, it’s important to understand how SpinalHDL interacts with Scala.

How SpinalHDL works behind the API

When you execute your SpinalHDL hardware description, each time you use SpinalHDL functions, operators, or classes, it will build an in-memory graph that represents the netlist of your design.

Then, when the elaboration is done (instantiation of your top-level Component classes), SpinalHDL will do some passes on the graph that was constructed, and if everything is fine, it will flush that graph into a VHDL or Verilog file.

Everything is a reference

For example, if you define a Scala function which takes a parameter of type Bits, when you call it, it will be passed as a reference. As consequence of that, if you assign that argument inside the function, it has the same effect on the underlying Bits object as if you had assigned to it outside the function.

Hardware types

Hardware data types in SpinalHDL are the combination of two things:

  • An instance of a given Scala type

  • The configuration of that instance

For example Bits(8 bits) is the combination of the Scala type Bits and its 8 bits configuration (as a construction parameter).

RGB example

Let’s take an Rgb bundle class as example:

case class Rgb(rWidth: Int, gWidth: Int, bWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
  val r = UInt(rWidth bits)
  val g = UInt(gWidth bits)
  val b = UInt(bWidth bits)

The hardware data type here is the combination of the Scala Rgb class and its rWidth, gWidth, and bWidth parameterization.

Here is an example of usage:

// Define an Rgb signal
val myRgbSignal = Rgb(5, 6, 5)

// Define another Rgb signal of the same data type as the preceding one
val myRgbCloned = cloneOf(myRgbSignal)

You can also use functions to define various kinds of type factories (typedef):

// Define a type factory function
def myRgbTypeDef = Rgb(5, 6, 5)

// Use that type factory to create an Rgb signal
val myRgbFromTypeDef = myRgbTypeDef

Names of signals in the generated RTL

To name signals in the generated RTL, SpinalHDL uses Java reflections to walk through your entire component hierarchy, collecting all references stored inside the class attributes, and naming them with their attribute name.

This is why the names of every signal defined inside a function are lost:

def myFunction(arg: UInt) {
  val temp = arg + 1  // You will not retrieve the `temp` signal in the generated RTL
  return temp

val value = myFunction(U"000001") + 42

One solution if you want preserve the names of the internal variables in the generated RTL, is to use Area:

def myFunction(arg: UInt) new Area {
  val temp = arg + 1  // You will not retrieve the temp signal in the generated RTL

val myFunctionCall = myFunction(U"000001")  // Will generate `temp` with `myFunctionCall_temp` as the name
val value = myFunctionCall.temp  + 42

Scala is for elaboration, SpinalHDL for hardware description

For example, if you write a Scala for loop to generate some hardware, it will generate the unrolled result in VHDL/Verilog.

Also, if you want a constant, you should not use SpinalHDL hardware literals but the Scala ones. For example:

// This is wrong, because you can't use a hardware Bool as construction parameter. (It will cause hierarchy violations.)
class SubComponent(activeHigh: Bool) extends Component {
  // ...

// This is right, you can use all the Scala world to parameterize your hardware.
class SubComponent(activeHigh: Boolean) extends Component {
  // ...

Scala elaboration capabilities (if, for, functional programming)

All of Scala’s syntax can be used to elaborate hardware designs, for instance, a Scala if statement could be used to enable or disable the generation of hardware:

val counter = Reg(UInt(8 bits))
counter := counter + 1
if(generateAClearWhenHit42) {  // Elaboration test, like an if generate in vhdl
  when(counter === 42) {       // Hardware test
    counter := 0

The same is true for Scala for loops:

val value = Reg(Bits(8 bits))
when(something) {
  // Set all bits of value by using a Scala for loop (evaluated during hardware elaboration)
  for(idx <- 0 to 7) {
    value(idx) := True

Also, functional programming techniques can be used with many SpinalHDL types:

val values = Vec(Bits(8 bits), 4)

val valuesAre42    = === 42)
val valuesAreAll42 = valuesAre42.reduce(_ && _)

val valuesAreEqualToTheirIndex ={ case (value, i) => value === i }